Monday, November 17, 2008

Have allot to show and tell....

I have been in trouble recently from BF Sar cause i havent posted anything... It has been a while, but i have had so much going on with my little sis wedding. But its now over and i can get back to MY stuff now.... so lets start with some pics from the wedding cause i think they are really nice....

This is my Lil Sis Dannii (the bride of course) leaving her house for the church. Behind her is my other gorgeous Lil sis Bree

Next is the 4 bridesmaids.

The gorgeous flowergirl Charlotte and handsome page boy Bailey....

This is me with my girl.....

And of course my favourite.... my beautiful family....

So the day was great, Dannii & Paul are finally married and it took me a week to get over it all!!!

Now for my scrapping. I have been pretty much just doing challenges and Crop nights to get my mojo flowing again and i think its helping. Lets see what i have to show off.....

The first one was the Blind Scrap at Scrapbook Divas on Saturday night. I was at the Super X so didnt do it on the night so i kind of cheated by getting the instructions and doing it later... i got a bit of inside knowledge. I am not sure if it is how it was meant to turn out, but i still like it all the same. I havent done a double LO for ages so yeah i think it was good. Will post it in the gallery when its opened up on Wednesday night.

I finally made it to Crop night at Scrapbooking Delights on Friday night and this is what i came up with.

1. I love this photo of my little Sis Shonae and i got it enlarged to 8 x 10, but then didnt know what to do with it. I have used an overlay here which is the first time i have used one. Looks pretty cute i think.

2. This is a sketch challenge for Bons. Its not due til the end of November, but i got it done while i could. These photos seem like yesterday when they were taken. Can't believe it was over a year ago......My little girl is growing up so fast!!!

3. This one was a sketch for Mystical Scrappers, Black Magic..... Colour palate was Hot pink, lime green and yellow and technique was doodling..... This photo was perfect for these colours....

I did another sketch for Inspired Blue Print, but i havent quite finished it so i will post it at a later date.

This next one was a Blind Scrap at Scrap Divas ages ago. It was funny, cause i wasnt going to do it, but then i thought "why not?" Had nothing else to do, but in the meantime Ben was on the computer so he was helping me with the layout. I am happy how it turned out, but a major issue with Rabbit Photo made the photo unavailable for ages, and i didnt end up posting it. Oh well, once again another LO done.....

This is another one i did ages ago but didnt post. It is not a challenge or a sketch or a blind challenge, just my idea... I dont usually use these colours together, but turned out well!!!!

Well there you have it.... I have actually been doing things. Mum came over tonight and i helped her do a title page for one of the teachers who si retiring. She has got all the kids to write something nice about this teacher and she is going to put them all in a book, so yeah the title page was just to pretty it up a bit.... Looked good.....
Better go and check the washing machine.
Alicia xxoo

1 comment:

Sar said...

LOTS to look at! Now just update regularly, okay... ;)
