The waiting game is on at the moment for the arrival of my new neice. She isnt due til Monday (18th Jan) but we thought she was coming on Wednesday - oh no false labour. Its my sister's first baby and she is so over being pregant and just wants to have her here in real life. Its really hard also because her DH Paul has a 4 year old, Bailey, and he is due to return to his Mother on Monday. She was hoping for the baby to be born before the end of his visit, but that may not happen now. Unfortunately there isnt much we can do about Mother Nature - she certainly has a mind of her own.
Oh well, I will keep you posted, but in the meantime here are my LO's I have been doing over the last week. This brings my total for 2010 to 11. I was hoping to get 1 per day done, which means I am 4 LO's behind, but I am hoping Oliver settles well tonight and I should be able to achieve something before bedtime.
1st one is the Blind Challenge held by Kayla Renee over at Savvy last week. If you would like to do it and possibly win a prize, it is open until the end of CC deadline of 21st January. You will find the instructions here. The photo is one taken the other day of Oliver in his new green outfit (hence the title).... I cant believe he is almost 2 months already.....I have used the November We're Savvy Kit.
This next one is week 2 of "52 Weeks of Me". Its a photo of me (of course) the day I met Baby Mason. Isnt he adorable.... All items used for this LO came from the December She's Savvy Kit from Savvy.
I absolutely adore this photo of Charlotte holding Oliver after we had come home. She just loves him so much... This is a just because and I have used left over BG papers & embellishments along with some other randoms (I am determined to get through my stash)
These next 2 I have scraplifted from my gorgeous girl Sar
Pat-a-cake also using Novembers We're Savvy Kit
My Little Star using some goodies I recieved for Christmas (put together by Miss Sar from Savvy)
And last but not least Our Little Boy and His Dummy - using the November He's Savvy Kit.... I will be honest and say I also scraplifted this, but I am sorry to say that I cant remember who's LO it was. I saw it, and just did it... SO, if this looks like one of your pages - thanks!!
As you can see, I have used mostly the contents from the awesome kits over at Scrapbook Savvy. They are available on the 1st of every month. Unfortunately since having Oliver there wasnt much scrapping done, I wasnt able to enter the monthly Random Kit Challenges, but I have enjoyed using the products. I am sure I will be ready to go now for the Feb kit.... I wonder what they will be????
I also have to praise myself doing these BOY LO's. I was so scared (just ask the girls) when I found out we were having a boy - how was I going to scrap BOY pages LOL... I am actually enjoying them (believe it or not). Hope my mojo keeps up.
Anyway, finishing off now so I can go and (try) scrap before Oliver wakes up for his last feed of the night. I will try and get back here soon... fingers crossed.
xx Leesh
Wow, wow & wow, Miss Leesh! You've done an AMAZING job of the boy pages, and am AMAZING job of using the kits!!! Can't wait to see these IRL. xoxo
You have mastered the boy page thing really well!! Love them all :-) I remember feeling the same way when my little man was born - but now I LOVE doing boy pages!!!
woo hoo BOY PAGES - who would have tought!! - told you it was simple!! - they are great - happy new year to all of you - and yes the albums have arrived ( sorry no red ) but many others. You are ahead fo me - i got my title page done last friday - still to print the pgotos for the first weeks - but i will catch up soon - i have a feeling i will be saying that all year long. See you soon xx
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