Again since I havent blogged since October 2009, there would be no announcement of the new addition to our now complete family - 17th November at 10.15am, we very proudly welcomed our little man Oliver Benjamin. A tiny little thing, weighing only 2.7kg.

I have so many other photos which I will share another time.... I am just trying to get a start before the cheeky boy wakes up from his sleep. (timing is everything at the moment LOL)
On a scrapping note, I have set myself a challenge for this year. I am calling it the "52 weeks of Me!". I have arranged an album from Sarah (an 8.5x11) so I can take a photo and scrap it for 1 day a week for the whole year. The album will be primarily about me. Its not often I am in front of the camera, so this is a plan to get me motivtaed into actually liking what I see in photos. I am always snapping shots of Ben, the kids, even the dog... but rarely I am in the frame. I have taken this weeks photo already - of course had to be at new year. Its a picture of all of us at my brothers just after midnight. Oliver wasnt too impressed by the whole ordeal as you can see, and Charlotte... well I think she was just being a dork.

I havent scrapped this yet, but will be working on it tonight.I have completed 3 LO's already but the weather isnt too kind to us today so will have to photograph them another day and show them off.
Other scrapping news is that of a sad occassion. Our beautiful and talented Miss Lisa Warren has resigned from the Scrapbook Savvy Design Team. Reading the forum there were allot of other girls who were equally as shocked and saddened by this news. I know though it is for very good reasons and I wish her all the best for a healthy future. This has of course opened a position at Scrapbook Savvy for a new DT member. I have put my name down again, but looking at the list, the competition will be tough and again, I do not envy the decision Miss Savvy Boss, Sarah, will have to make.
If you want to see more check out the forum here.
I think I have updated enough for now. Will be plenty to keep me going until I return (which I promise will be sooner rather than later).
Until then, keep smiling and scrapping - makes for a very happy life!!
WELCOME BACK to blogging babe :)
love that photo of your brautiful boy :)
cant wiat to see your new pages :)
and great idea with the album .
HAPPY NEW YEAR, hope its a great one for you and your family :). Good luck with the 52 album.
Happy New Year Leesh...hope this year brings about lots of lvoe, happiness and good health
You have to keep me motivated with this 52 week thing babe...I haven't taken mine yet but i think like you i will start with the new years one, I did take one just after midnight with my boys. Can't wait to see all the pages you've scrapped in the last couple of days, glad to see your mojo has returned!!! Luv Sar
HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY NEW YEAR!!!! OH WOW congrats on your handsome little man Leesh, how did you get away with a baby that small, gosh both mine were nearly twice that in weight, you lucky duck LOL. I love your resolution to blog more, always love visitng and catching up on the goss in your world. Here's to an amazing 2010 for us all, your scrappy friend, Tiff xxx.
good on your for getting in front of the camera....I don't do it either! But you look great!
Good luck with the Savvy DT call!
congrats on your beautiful baby boy.....
so sweet
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