Sara asked the other day on the Scrapbook Savvy Forum if anyone had a "word" for the year. I decided my word would be "Organisation". Organisation of my mind, body, house, know what its like! I did try this in 2010, but it all seemed to come in spurts. I got everything under control, but then I let things slip so it took me a while to get it all back again.....
So, day 1 of Organistion 2011.....
Show you all the 1st fantastic sketch for the year over at STUCK?! Sketches; I will admit this one stumped me a bit - not sure why...perhaps due to its simplicity?? I am not sure, but whatever the reason I am pleased with the outcome in the end as I am sure you will agree when you check out the STUCK?! blog showcasing so many versions of the sketch.
Here is the sketch:

And her is my take:

Our very excited girls doing their bit to cheer on the St George Illawarra Dragons during the 2010 NRL Grandfinal. Of course they won - could it have anything to do with the "Jnr Cheer Squad?"
You have probably been asked this already, but is there a New Years Resolution for 2011? I dont really have one - I never seem to keep them anyway.... what about a scrapping challenge?
Last year was the 52 Weeks of Me. I have not yet finished it, but I am determined to do so in the next couple of weeks. Sar managed to get hers done, and I am very proud of her - the album looks awesome.
I was wondering whether a "food" diary would work? I am always looking for new ideas to feed the family, and I was given a couple of new cook books for christmas to add to my collection which I love. If I could aim for 1 new dish a week - whether it be a main meal, dessert, even just for a treat?
This morning we had Dutch Pancakes. Ben got a machine for Christmas from his "secret santa" so he tried it out this morning. They were yummy, and yes I took photos!!!
OK, thats it.... 52 new recipes for 2011. Thats my aim..... See how it works out!!!
Best be off to continue "organising" the toys these kids got for christmas - I need to find new homes for them all so we can have our pool table back.
BUT, OMG.....just while I was sitting here typing this post, look what Oliver did.....

Well, thats about it from me. Will come back later and post some pics from last night and a few more scrap pages I did last week at Scrapbook Savvy Crop.
Hope your first day of 2011 is a fantastic one - thinking we will need to be getting in the pool soon. Cant waste this gorgeous summer weather!!
Until next time
Leesh xx